Thursday, April 30, 2009
i'm upset because i don't understand why a friend can just delete me from
facebook and blocked me just because i said something wrong and we quarrelled...
Saturday, April 25, 2009
I have already uploaded the note onto facebook but i've decided to update it on my blog too...I've already highlighted the parts that i like.
Read only when you are free. Please continue reading for characteristics of a capricorn woman. Alternatively, click on for other sun signs. The information are quite accurate and detailed.
The Capricorn woman-->
There's no such think as a typical Capricorn female. She can be a museum curator who wears granny glasses for real, or she can be a dancer who wears a glittering G-string for fun. You'll see her crisply running a suburban P.T.A., frying hamburgers in a coffee shop, or organizing the biggest Charity Ball in the city. A Capricorn woman may decorate the society columns, smile demurely behind a political candidate husband or pour mysterious liquids into test tubes. But whatever she's doing and whatever she's wearing, Saturn will rule her actions and her secret aims.
She can be ultra-feminine, flirtatious and charming enough to make a man feel like a giant grizzly bear who can protect her from the cold, cruel world. Or she can be icy, quiet and aloof, sitting securely on her marble pedestal and challenging you to be clever enough to win her superior hand. Whichever personality she projects, underneath her womanly wiles or her practical, sensible manner, she has the same goal-a steely determination to snag the right man, who can become important, make her proud and be a good father to her children.
So many Capricorn women are career girls, you might think love and marriage would always be a second choice. With love, you have a point. With marriage, no. The thing to understand is that the Capricorn goals are security, authority, respect and position. It makes little difference if these needs are supplied in front of a blackboard as a school teacher, behind a desk as an executive, or beside an ambitions husband whose social life and home she can manage with easy grace and careful planning. One way or another, the Capricorn woman will get her recognition. Some of them get it by writing books, lecturing, painting or composing music. It's surprising how many Capricorns of both sexes have unusual artistic talent. Perhaps it stems from an innate sense of balance and harmony, knowing what is pleasing and what is right or correct.This is a little delicate, but even the Saturn females you find in burlesque theaters or engaging in the world's oldest profession (there will be only a handful) will end up by marrying the top comic or the theater owner in the first instance-or the wealthiest client in the second. The goat must climb. Whether the starting position is high or low, the top of the hill is where she finds the view more satisfying.
There's nothing flashy about the Capricorn female. You'll certainly never see her loudly or obviously pushing and shoving for first place; you may even think she's docile enough to contentedly take a back seat to her competition.Wait. See who gets the promotion.Don't be misled into thinking she'll never sacrifice her career for marriage. Just give this girl half a chance to be a social leader and the mistress of a well-run household, and you'll see how quickly she loses interest in her job (one of the few things she'll do quickly). If you need her to, the Capricorn woman will gladly continue working to help you climb up the mountain of success-she won't be lazy.
Otherwise, however, she's happier enjoying her position as your wife, provided the position is a good one, and there's enough financial security.One of the most typical and delightful things about this woman is her natural breeding and grace of manner. You can meet a Capricorn girl who was raised in a one-room shack across the railroad -tracks, or whose father works the swing shift in a coal mine, but unless she decides to reveal her background (which she probably won't), you'll be convinced she comes from an old-line family, and was turned out by one of the best finishing schools. Such is the Capricorn built-in sense of social grace and conservative, conventional appearances.
Any man who's involved in a relationship with the femalegoat should learn a basic fact about this Sun sign. She seems to be more even-tempered and emotionally steady than she actually is. Her manner may convince you that she's as firm as a rock and nothing can ruffle her calm surface. The truth is that she's subject to many moods. All women are subject to moods, you say, but the Capricorn girl can have some really black and long-lasting ones. If she feels mistreated or unappreciated, she'll brood for days, weeks, even months. She calls it being sensible or practical, but Saturnine gloominess, pessimism and depression are much more deeply rooted than that. They're triggered by fear of the future, worry about the present, shame over the past-or a suspicion that she's being made fun of or is inadequate in some way. These women do not accept teasing lightly. Keep it at a minimum. To be honest, they find it impossible to see the joke when they're the victims. You don't have to bury her in compliments constantly (she'll sense when they're insincere, anyway), but don't kid her about important matters, and praise her often enough to make her realize you know her true value.It's hard for her to relax in romantic situations.
There's plenty of physical desire under the cool Capricorn surface, far more than most people suspect, and it's never satisfied casually. Sitting around and wasting time with breathless hugs and ecstatic kisses while the future is still hanging unsettled is definitely not her favorite hobby-yet once she's decided you're the right man and the finances are secure or your ambition is sufficient, shell be as warm as a cuddly panda, affectionate, and even passionate. Capricorns don't believe in vague dreams that glide aimlessly through a misty, blue sky. They want to know where the ship of romance is taking them, and that it's sailing on safe waters. Build a firm foundation under your house if you plan to carry a Capricorn girl over the threshold. Make sure there's plenty of insurance and the mortgage is paid off or will be soon.Shell probably be something of a social butterfly, extremely aware of etiquette, and she'll lean toward quaint customs like engraved napkin rings and needlepoint chairs.
Things must be correct and tradition must be observed at all costs. She may have an inconsistent habit of wanting to shop in the most expensive, exclusive stores, yet insisting on a bargain. She doesn't mind buying a dress that's on sale, as long as it bears the right label.Capricorn women have a fresh beauty of their own. You'll rarely find one who's not unusually attractive. Yet they are timid and unsure about their appearance, and you may find them needing constant reassurance that they're pretty.
Although Capricorn females hate dishonesty in all forms, they're not above lying about their ages. They usually get away with it, too, thanks to the odd Saturn aging twist. They look like little old ladies as children, then bloom suddenly into women who look like young girls when they're past the prime of life.
It would be a terrible mistake to snub her family. The man who marries a Capricorn girl marries her relatives. There's no point in thinking that yours is different. She's not. Somewhere along the line, you'll stop laughing at mother-in-law jokes (you may cry instead). Many times, the Saturn female is the sole support of her family, financially or morally or both. She may care for an ill parent with devotion to the point of relinquishing the idea of marriage completely. Often, she'll enjoy the sacrifice because of her honest love for her family, but even if she resents it, her strong sense of responsibility and duty will not permit her to escape.You might as well resign yourself to flattering your mother-in-law, and hope she's a great gal who's worth it. Don't argue politics with her father, and if you must criticize her brothers and sisters, see that the criticism is constructive, and based on a sincere belief in their potentialities. Frequently, Capricoms find themselves burdened with distressed or invalid relatives, and the typical goats will never let love, however consuming it might be, cause them to neglect such obligations. You'd better start right out by planning to have a guest room or two for visiting relatives.
But there's a reverse benefit. You'll have a wife who is kind and considerate toward your own family. The Capricorn girl will understand if you have to allocate a fixed sum to your parents each week, and she'll probably be a companion to your brothers and sisters. She's the kind of girl you take home to meet mother, and mother approves of her immediately. Since men are so contrary, such instant encouragement can cause them to back away. It's always more fun to fight objections for your lady fair. But you'll only be slicing off your nose to spite your heart, because your mother is right. The Capricorn girl, if she's a typical Saturn woman, will make an excellent wife. The home of a Capricorn woman often looks so effortlessly spotless and smooth-running you'd think there were little fairies and elves hiding in the comers, working away furiously after midnight to shine and polish and cook and clean. Wrong. The very last place you can expect to find such imaginary creatures is around a Capricorn. The Saturn practicality and faith in firm facts ordinarily precludes any sympathy with the unseen.
A Capricorn girl wouldn't believe in leprechauns if one sat right on the tip of her nose. In all fairness, however, although she may not be a way-out dreamer or a follower of occult mysteries, once she has the solid facts she's able to see the romance and poetry in the most ordinary situations.Hers is an earthy kind of beauty that can make even the gross and ugly seem lovely with sheer usefulness. She's not a stranger to the gypsy spell of the north wind, nor is she deaf to the silver song of spring showers and the call of a lonely skylark. Great music stirs her deeply, and she's an enchanted patron of almost any art form. Perhaps she has to see and touch magic to believe in it. A leprechaun would probably get much further with her if he came right out and said where that pot of gold is hidden, instead of hinting about it in fairy tales.Most Capricorns save their rainbow thinking for history and heroic deeds of the past. Since she worships tradition, and reveres those who have overcome obstacles to gain success, it's easier for her to get sentimental over the Gettysburg address than to get enthusiastic over your latest wild scheme. Actually, she's a true romantic, with greater imagination than the scatterbrains with unreal fantasies. Every January girl has haunting poetry in her soul, but she doesn't have much sympathy for poets who starve in attics. Take care of the food and rent and then pursue the dream, whatever it may be, is the Capricorn motto.
Also make sure that the dream is worth pursuing. She sees nothing glamorous or magical about failure.You may have to share your Capricorn wife with causes. She'll be a tireless worker for the poor and the defenseless, but she may prefer to show her charity in group efforts, rather than to individuals. Saturnine sympathies are usually organized, seldom scattered. Female Capricoms are natural leaders of women's clubs.She'll probably instill both thrift and a respect for quality in the youngsters. She'll teach them to "Eat it up, wear it out, make it do or do without." Still, they'll be served the best cuts of meat, and she'll buy them the finest make of shoes. To her, economy does not have to mean cheap. The children will be expected to be polite to relatives and elders, and they'll probably learn excellent manners.
They won't be pampered or allowed to willfully disobey. If you give her a book on child psychology, she may use it to paddle an unruly offspring and get around to reading it later. Sticky kisses may not be welcome, but few mothers are more devoted than the female goat. Her children will get a courteous listening ear. She may be a little strict and unsympathetic to their growing pains, but she'll be a fascinated audience for their achievements. The child who runs home from school and shouts, "Guess what I learned today," won't be ignored by the Capricorn mother, who will never be too busy to give her youngsters her interest and attention. After they become teenagers, there may be a few barriers when the Saturn conservatism clashes with youth's liberalism. At this point, she may need some help in understanding her children's enthusiastic dreams. She may leam the hard way that she can't dictate their friendships and confine them to "acceptable" people. But she's intelligent enough to adjust and pull in her horns if it looks as though she'll lose more than she'll gain.
Since many Capricorn females have sensitive skin, they don't wear much make-up. Lots of them are allergic to it. But nature rewarded them with natural beauty that needs little gilding, and they'll keep it long after the roses have faded from the cheeks of other women. Some of them startle you with lovely complexions, firm features and bright eyes at the age of eighty and older.Patiently help your Capricorn woman overcome her lack of personal confidence. She's not unimaginative just because she doesn't court delusion. Try on a couple of her practical dreams for size, and you'll find they're surprisingly comfortable. Stubbornness may be one of her vices, but she's not a whiner or a nervous nag. She'll push you toward success, yet be tender and devoted. In spite of her modest, often gentle ways, she'll know just how to twist you around her little finger. There's a deep richness in her love that's more lasting than the brittle, scorching, demanding love of other women. Who says she doesn't believe in fairy tales? Only a wise Capricorn maiden could look deep into the eyes of an awkward frog and see that he's really a prince in disguise. Not only that-if you marry her, youll never run out of clean socks.
Wednesday, April 22, 2009
I was reading a book when i came across this two paragraphs-->First paragraph: False advertising or hiding yourself in the relationship market is putting out bait to catch something that you will eventually regret catching. You and others on the market deserve to have someone with whom you are happy and compatible. Wouldn't you like to have a life partner with whom you could relax and be yourself, versus someone you have to constantly perform for in order to win love?
Second paragraph:Be genuine. Be the real person you are. When you do, people who are not compatible with you will be turned off, and that is a good thing. Yes, it is a very good thing. If you are searching for a partner, you do not need to have your time wasted by someone who is going to end up despising you. The best thing is to be yourself.
Although this book focuses on discovering your true self, the book also talks about false advertising and how it is harmful to you. I guess all of us have practised false advertising at certain part of our lives. Do you recall the days when you were in primary/ secondary school? Everyone around you was trying to hang around the most popular group and the most good looking students in the school. No one would want to hang around with a geek or an ugly person. However, this may mean acting and dressing yourself so that your clique will be able to accept you. I think that this shouldn't be the way and we should always be ourselves and make friends base on their character and not their physical appearance. I believe that this is also true in relationships. Sometimes, your partner may attempt to change who you really are. (Be it looks or character). This shouldn't be the way and you shouldn't change yourself for the sake of others. Rather, if you decided to change for the better, remember that you are changing for your own sake and not because of another person. It is simply too fake and too tiring to put on a mask when making friends.

I wanted to buy the normal plaster from guardian but as i was in a rush, i simply took a box of plaster and paid for it at the cashier. The moment i reached home, i took out the box of plaster and found out that it was a blister toe plaster!
lol. I am so super blur! Stupid rocky bit me the other day and i still have a cut on my toe. And that's the reason why i wanna cover it with a plaster.

Nevertheless, i decided that i would open the box and discover how does the blister toe plaster look like. It's kinda pretty looking...and kinda invisible and it's able to stay in place for several days.

So, i decided to try it on my feet. There's a small blister on my second toe. Or rather, should i say that it is a dried up blister?haha...din want to waste the blister toe plaster, and so i pasted it on my feet for fun. haha. It was then when i discovered that this blister toe plaster is very useful! It is able to stick on your feet and stays in place for a long time and it is very useful when you are wearing new shoes. The benefit is that your feet won't have to suffer due to the new pair of shoes and it is more invisible as compared to the normal plaster.haha...
got this from the internet:
If you kiss her, you are not a gentleman
(depends on whether she likes you? if you kiss her when she don't like you, then you are not a gentleman)If you don’t, you are not a man
(i don't think so)If you praise her, she thinks you are lying
(depends on how sincere you are. If you praise a girl just to make her happy, then i think it's better that you keep quiet)If you don’t, you are good for nothing
If you agree with all her likes, she is amusing
(huh? she is amusing? i don't understand)If you don’t, you are not understanding
If you make romance, you are an ‘experienced’ man
If you don’t, you are half a man
If you visit her too often, she thinks it is boring
If you don’t, she accuses you of double-crossing
If you are well dressed, she says you are a playboy
(i think it also depends on how you interact with others. If you are well dressed, talks like a flirt, only talks to girls as compared to guys, then it's hard not to believe that you are a you don’t, you are a dull boy
(don't think you have to be well dressed everyday.)If you are jealous, she says it is bad
(jealousy shows that you care for her)If you don’t, she thinks you do not love her
(you won't be jealous of a you attempt a romance, she says you didn’t respect her
If you don’t, she thinks you do not like her
If you are a minute late, she complaints it’s hard to wait
(nah. i've ever waited 1 hour plus for a guy i like and i was standing at the same place the whole time. I wasn't even angry or upset when he din even bother to explain or appologize when he reached. Such a weird feeling. However, i believe that ppl dislike the feeling of waiting)If she is late, she says ‘that’s a gal’s way’
(hmmm....both females and males shouldn't be late everytime. However, there may be exceptions at time. Just rmb to explain/ appologize if you have basic manners)If you visit another, she accuses you of being a heel
If she is visited by another, ‘Oh! It’s natural, we’re gals!’
If you kiss her once in a while, she professes you are cold
If you kiss her too often, she yells you are taking advantage
(hmm...i guess there are 2 possibilities. She will be thinking of whether you like to kiss her but doesn't like her/whether you like her and therefore, wanna kiss her)If you fail to help her in crossing the street, you lack ethics
(i think you don't have to help her to cross the road, but it's good if you can cross the road only when it's safe. Guess it applies to both gender. I really don't see the point of saving a few seconds and crossing the road when its unsafe)If you do, she thinks its just one of the man’s tactics
If you stare at other, she accuses you of filrting
(staring is okay. I like to look at pretty girls too. lol)If she is stared by others, she says that they are just admiring
If you talk, she wants you to listen
If you listen, she wants you to talk
Oh GOD, You created those creatures called ‘WOMAN’So simple, yet so complexSo weak, yet so strongSo confusing, yet so desirable
(I seriously think that guys are also complex and confusing creatures. Lol. The world is changing and guys expect girls to be caring and understands what they want but sometimes i just can't figure out what they really want. Can't they just stop beating around the bush and say it straightforward? lol.)
Tuesday, April 21, 2009

lunch with jieyi today...

this is what i had for lunch: roastery chicken leg....yummy....costs $4.90 (inclusive of service charge and gst)...and available from 12pm to 6pm on weekdays at all libraries in Singapore

the food comes with a free coke...super yummy.....and rmb to bring along your student card in order to purchase the meal at a discounted price

do you dream about flying? i do dream about flying sometimes...

this is what i've been dreaming about lately...god bless me...

sometimes i do dream about strangers too...
Monday, April 20, 2009

Dinner with
jieyi at
amk central last week...the food is very yummy...Tempura R
amen costs $5.90. I would rate it 7/10.

Crab meat salad costs $2.90. I would rate it 6/10. The salad sauce is very nice but i dislike the raw taste of the crab meat. I would give it higher ratings if they serve a smaller portion, charge it $1.99 instead of $2.90 and serve it with softer crab meat. The solution is to cook the crab meat?
hmm...i don't know...but the crab meat taste really raw and hard. okay...i shall stop
criticising the crab meat salad.

Hi guys! There's a 'mini garden' in my bought a cactus plant and 4 flower pots for my mum for mother's day. I prefer flower pots with designs and so i bought 4 different types of flower pots for her.

I'm thinking--> does rocky like flowers too? Look at the way he is smelling the

i'm here to update again!haha...this photo was taken when i went to vivocity with Xin Mei last week....hmmm...i'm having exam break now but i dislike studying at home....coz there are so many distractions at home. My neighbour is doing renovation and it will be very noisy for the whole day. Anyway, i went to ang mo kio popular bookstore and i bought 3 books there. The first book is for my mum, while the second and third book are motivational and self-improvement books. The title of the second book = "If the trash stinks, take it out! 14 worriless principles for your success" by Phoebe Chongchua and the title of the third book= "the harmonious way, illuminate your heart, mind and soul" by Aaron Turpeau. I guess reading more books will be beneficial for me as well. Btw, just random, I just realised that liking someone doesn't mean you are suitable for each other.
Tuesday, April 7, 2009

It's vincent's birthday today! happy birthday vincent tan! When cousins stay at the same block, we often bump into each other on our way home.

Ws and me went to orchard for dinner and then went to bugis street for shopping.Lol. In the end she bought more things than me...hahaa. I didn't buy anything in the end. I think it was because my wallet was empty...thats why!haha
Sunday, April 5, 2009

Went to trevin's house to play mahjong and he's the winner for the day. He even got '13yao'. A mahjong combination which is quite difficult to get and the possibilities are very low.

Mahjong! Please invite me if you wanna play mahjong too!haha

me and justine
Thursday, April 2, 2009
trevin(cousin) is working at SIM now...he is working as admin for 3 months....we can have lunch together in SIM sometimes...happy...haha...btw...i fell in love with the game solitaire's a very fun and challenging game...anyone wanna play please msn me k? haha....was playing checkers with trevin in the afternoon and he always win me...arghhhh....
shereen is down with skin allergy...but now she is recovering .....haha...i just went to the doctor and took some medicine and cream...and the cream is very rashes are better now... :D
Wednesday, April 1, 2009
摩羯座年轻的魔羯都是很单纯的,我想他们也不会知道自己将从天使变成恶魔,魔羯座的人天生善良,感情也都很脆弱,也许会因为一些很小的事情难过很长时间,所以他们通常在表面表现的酷酷的与事隔离的样子,其实他们只是不希望让别人看到他脆弱的一面(yes yes..very true),坚强,理智,承受是魔羯的代名词,他们并不是很随便的表达自己所想,他们希望了解身边所有人的性格,并不是因为好奇,好象只是因为一种安全感,为了保护自己魔羯生出了一种特殊能力。
魔羯相对任何星座来比能在最段时间看出一个人的性格无论他们在如何隐藏,这点很像天蝎但是他们却看不出对方的心,他们很容易就会了解到他们身边每一个人的优缺点,但是他们通常不会说出来,也不会太介意,所有的魔羯都很包容对方请记得,如果有一只魔羯指出你的缺点那一定是友善的,虽然他们会用一种讽刺的口气(sarastic?来指出. 所有魔羯都拥有2个性格,只是大部分魔羯都不愿意去接受,因为他们希望自己永远的傻傻的活下去,魔羯的坏可以媲美过所有星座,也许他们不相信,但是随着时间的积累魔羯的人在慢慢变坏(learn to be bad?),其实这也是一种自我保护,他们需要知道了解自己最后的一张王牌,做不做就看对方是否达到让魔羯抱负的地步了,这并不是在表扬,似乎用阴险可以形容,当魔羯讨厌一个人的时候那就是一种绝对,魔羯不会随便讨厌一个人,但是如果哪个人做的太过分,这个人会从魔羯心底彻底抹杀(yes...true...i won't hate someone unless u are really mean/too much),如果这个人激怒了魔羯,呵呵那么这个人就只能等着灾难的降临(i doubt i'll do anything...the worst that i've done so far is to ignore the person)。
魔羯是个比较城府的人,他们不会表面去得罪了,但是他们会计划着让这个人知道他所做的事情将会给自己带来多大的回报,魔羯的报复手段极其残忍,他会加倍的还给你,(如果你有一天遭受到摸名的灾难那么你去想想你在什么时候得罪了魔羯)魔羯并不会随便的去加害一个人,因为魔羯也讨厌自己的坏,他们是天才的杀手(born killer?noo....),一切的一切从很早以前就做好计划,而且这些计划在没有事件出现前他们就在考虑如何完美并无破绽的进行报复计划,也许这些和他的悲观有些联系,魔羯的人很了解世界,但他们固执的相信美好尽管自己知道那是不可能的,大部分魔羯都讨厌坏坏的自己,当然想抛弃自己是不可能的。
朋友(最喜欢装傻的星座)魔羯的人都很没有安全感,他们喜欢在任何人面前装傻(yes...i always act blur..even though i'm aware of what's going on),这可不是一般的装傻能力,魔羯人聪明就在于这点,他们认为只有傻子在会不牵扯到任何伤害,与其做一个聪明的人不如当一个傻子平凡而又随意,如果不是值得魔羯相信的朋友魔羯永远不会让对方知道自己会有智慧,而无论安全与不安全魔羯对朋友都很真,他们很珍惜些朋友(yes...very true...i'll cherish all my friends and like to maintain long-term friendships)。 他们最希望获得朋友的信任,如果从一个朋友那里得不到信任,他不会再与这个朋友交往下去( point continuing the friendship if there is lack of trust).和魔羯接触过的人都会认为他们脾气很好,好的似乎发傻,其实他们并不是脾气好(yes...tat's true...i'll only vent my temper on someone who is really too much...),只是他们很会装,因为他们了解身边的朋友的所有性格,所以他们在包容对方,就算你做了什么过分的事,他们也早就想考虑好如果对方为什么会这样做,最明显一点,你们可以去看看身边魔羯的朋友,无论你怎么做那些魔羯都不会很惊讶的,其实他们已经知道你为什么会这样了.魔羯的交友观也很随便,他们可能会和贵族很好,也可能会和乞丐聊天,一切的一切只是心灵的交往,很少有魔羯会有势力眼(yup...i believe in making friends irregardless of whether he/she is rich or poor),除非你这个人品太差了。
感情(超级白痴)魔羯的人傻的可以,他们并不了解爱情(yes...very true...i don't understand what is love, but i only understand the feeling of love),但是他们只知道爱的感觉,对于他们任何感情的表达都是一种感觉,他们很认真的感受每一个感觉,大部分感觉都可以一个人去感觉,最失败的爱却要两个人,傻傻的魔羯一开始会认为,爱你是我自己的事情和你没关系,可是到后来越来越感觉不是滋味,于是开始对对方表白,表白成功后却不知道如何走下一步,也许是太不浪漫在作祟,魔羯的人可能会拿任何事情开玩笑,但是在爱情方面只要他说出”我爱你”(yup...i don't say the words i love u to everyone...but i really mean it if i ever say it to you one day)或者话题谈到将来结婚,那么他绝对不是在开玩笑,魔羯很物质,但是这点和金牛处女不一样,他们的物质表现在爱上,他们认为给所爱的人带来无限的物质的就是最大的幸福,因为他们很自卑,唯一能用自己努力获得来的就只有物质了。 当自己努力的去让自己所爱的人幸福的时候,自己所爱的人却因为其他的其他离开了他,而到最后自己却不明白自己到底做错了什么,真是可怜的家伙们.
追求: 魔羯的追求是认真的,只要对方不让魔羯认为完全没有机会,魔羯就会像疯子一样的追求着(hhaa...that sound so wrong...madly in love?lol),他们其实对自己非常没有信心(yup...i'll rate my confidence level 69.99999%/100%),唯一的动力只是相信自己在爱着,为了对的起自己的感情,为了认真的去爱一回. 被追求:魔羯对于不喜欢的人不会给予任何机会('s pointless),魔羯的人很善良,而且他们知道长痛不如短痛的道理(yes...end it once and for all),如果魔羯勉强接受了你,那也是出于一种同情心,但是交往没几天他们就开始内疚,他们认为怜悯的爱对追求者来说是一种伤害,他们会尽量的躲避并且对追求者很冷淡追求者尽量的让追求者开始讨厌她/他.如果追求者不理解的话,放心最长不超过一年,魔羯会很理智的告诉你别在联系了,她/他会消失的无影无纵. 拒绝:如果魔羯真的爱了就不会去拒绝你,永远不会
被拒绝:魔羯比任何一个星座对感情都很认真,恢复伤痕的时间也很长,他们会选择消失,这样对你对他都有好处,因为他怕多看你一眼而又再次无法自拔他怕再多看你一眼心如刀割 (i can accept rejection..although it's painful)Remarks: for those who wanna know about your own horoscope please tell me so that i can email you urs.. :D